Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 2009 Enrichment - What's in Your Balloon?

The invitations....

The lesson....

The decor...

The food....

The activity....

The picture frame....

The nursery......

Thank you to Brother Romig, Brother Strasser and Kristina Stuart

A night of personal enrichment was enjoyed by each sister. "Look in the mirror and find out what's in your balloon" was the theme.This led to a night of self appreciation and to the appreciation of the sisters that surround us. We had a wonderful meal, chicken salad on croissants, pasta salad, chips and raspberry sherbet with a cookie was served for desert. The sisters listened to an inspirational message given by Sister Carla Mooseman, followed by an insightful game which was punctuated with much laughter. Then each sister made a beautiful picture frame with her picture in it to look at each day to appreciate the qualities within.